books and publications



different & identic
eschenau summer press publications 45
[les livres et les publications 91]


grey & gray - from earth
edition lydia megert : bern and montreuil/paris 2000
9 sheets (28.5 × 21 cm), each with one sample of grey earth, rubbed in by hand by the artist, a handwritten coverpage with, on the back, the identification of the origins of earths : greece, island, france, poland and switzerland in a handlabeled box
signed and numbered edition of 17 copies
see also library of earth colours (2005)
[les livres et les publications 92]

texts and contributions

'die dinge an sich', written in November 2000. Reprinted in in herman de vries : all this here / [Redaktion Barbara Strieder] (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) [14] [also available as recorded text].

'a proposal for a new scottish parliament', in Without Day - proposals for a new Scottish Parliament / edited by Alec Finlay with an introduction by David Hopkins (Pocketbooks/Morning Star Publications : Edinburgh 2000) 80.

'tick tick click rik', folder for the audio CD by Paul Panhuysen 'Mexican Jumping Beans' (Het Apollohuis : Eindhoven 2000).

'ex libris john janssen', in Ex Libris. John Janssen at Sixty (Coracle Press : Ballybeg Grange 2000) 1 fol.

'taj mahal', dated 28.01.2000 and published in herman de vries, 'à propos des sanctuaires', in herman de vries (Anthèse : Arcueil 2000) 87 [also available as recorded text].



philosophische bemerkungen
eschenau summer press publications 47
an unchanged reprint was published in 2006
[les livres et les publications 93]

texts and contributions

'[es wird erzählt ...]', in Zukunftwerkstatt Mariposa (Lindinger + Schmid Verlag : Regensburg 2001) 165.

'sanctuaire', herman de vries. les choses mêmes (Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence/Musée Départemental Digne : Digne-les-Bains etc. 2001) 34-37 (ill.).

'le bois sacré', in herman de vries. les choses mêmes (Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence/Musée Départemental Digne : Digne-les-Bains etc. 2001) 40-51. (ill.).

'this / is / all', in Transatlantik [Trans-Atlantik]: das Kulturmagazin. Wiederauferstehungs-Heft (Hochschule für bildende Künste : Branschweig 2001) 73, 76, 79.

'through gealic fields', in The Order of Things. An anthology of Scottish sound, pattern and concrete poems / edited by Ken Cockburn and Alec Finlay. Pocketbooks 10 (Morning Star Publications : Edinburgh 2001) 70, 71.

'to be all ways to be', in article 'Psychedelische perspectieven - de Renaissance van de trip in de 21ste eeuw', in PAN (Psycho Actief Netwerk) (Uitgeverij Bres : Amsterdam 2001) 26-29.

'human life (19 07 2001)', in exhibition catalogue Three minutes of silence ... A new dialogue between human being, nature and technology. Japan-Netherlands Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition (Gallery Surge : Tokyo 2001) 23-24, 37, 69 (ill.).

'was, wieso, wo' 'what, why, wherefore', in Public Art - Kunst im öffenlichen Raum. Klaus Bußmann zum 60. Geburtstag / hrsg. von Florian Matzner. Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste, München (Verlag Hatje Cantz : Ostfildern 2001) 118-122 and 123-124 (ill.).

[contribution] 'circular happenings. physics and metaphysics are one. [water reproductions from the twann gorge cave, swiss jura, 1994)]', in exhibition catalogue Valerio Deho and Alessandro Vezzosi (eds), Leonardo in Azione e Poesia = Leonardo in Action and Poetry (Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci : Vinci [Firenze] 2001).



my poetry is the world
[eschenau editions] : eschenau 2002
140 p. (23.5 × 16.5 cm)
edition 300, numbered 1-300 + spec. edition 9, numbered i-ix
translation of the text "my poetry is the world" into 65 languages
[les livres et les publications 94a and 94b]
a 2nd edition with 888 languages was published in 2020


eschenau sutra
musée des beaux-arts : lausanne 2002
36 p. (29,7 × 21 cm)
edition 600, numbered
publication which accompanied the exhibition 'herman de vries, différent & identique', Musée des beaux-arts, Lausanne (February 2-April 21, 2002)
[les livres et les publications 95]

texts and contributions

'silence', written September 10-11, 2002 and first published in English on the invitation card for the inauguration of the sanctuary of roche-rousse, Digne-les-Bains, October 18, 2003. Reprinted (English and French) in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) 49 [also available as recorded text].

'le témoin - der zeuge 1991'   'this 1993', in Kunst + Unterricht Nr. 266/267 (Erhard Friedrich Verlag : Seelze 2002) 4-5, 54 (ill.).



argumentstellen : citation de ludwig wittgenstein
frac bretagne : châteaugiron / editions incertain sens : rennes 2003
48 p. (29.7 × 21 cm)
edition 1250
concept developed in 1968
[les livres et les publications 96]


from earth : +/- lila
edition lydia megert : bern and montreuil/paris 2003
10 sheets (23 × 17.4 cm), each with one sample of lila earth, rubbed in by hand by the artist, a handwritten coverpage with, on the back, the identification of the origins of earths: greek island leros, canary island gomera and germany in a handlabeled box
signed and numbered edition of 13 copies
see also library of earth colours (2005)
[les livres et les publications 97]


eschenau summer press publications 50
[les livres et les publications 98]


steigerwald holzbibliothek. bibliothèque des bois de la région de steigerwald. steigerwald wood library. steigerwald houtbibliotheek
[with jörn hagen]
[eschenau editions] : eschenau 2003
24 volumes; varying formats; edition 9
[les livres et les publications 99]

texts and contributions

'quelques notes personelles sur l'art et la philiosophie', in Revue d'Esthétique n° 44 'Les artistes contemporains et la philosophie' (2003) 144-151 (ill.). Translated in German: 'einige persönliche notizen über kunst & philosophie', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries. all this here / [Redaktion Barbara Strieder] (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) 58-64. A translation in English and Spanish was published in herman de vries. chance &change / Kristine Guzmán (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León : Léon 2017) 107-114.

'[der stein]', written June 22, 2003 and published in herman de vries, an katharina (2013) 9 [also available as recorded text].

'terrain vague', in exhibition catalogue No art - no city! Stadtutopien in der zeitgenössischen kunst = Urban utopias in contemporary art : Kim Adams, Louise Bourgeois, ... / (Hatje Cantz Verlag : Ostfildern 2003) 156-157 (ill.).

'this is perfect that is perfect = ceci est parfait cela est parfait', in exhibition catalogue Nouvelles curiosité = New curiosities (Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2003) 83-86.

'rosen für kaspar könig', in Kaspar König zum 60. Geburtstag 21. November 2003 (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König : Köln 2003) 127-129 (ill.).

'[als een woestijn ...]', in exhibition catalogue De kerf verbeeld. Impressies van een nieuw landschap (S.l. : Uitgeverij Conserve : 2003) 32-35, 33 (ill.).



from earth: gelb jaune yellow
edition lydia megert : paris/bern 2004
17 sheets (28.4 × 20.9 cm), each with one sample of yellow earth, rubbed in by hand by the artist, a handwritten coverpage with, on the back, the identification of the origins of earths: bhutan, australia, greece, morocco, canary islands, germany, new zealand, united states, france, indonesia and siberia in a handlabeled box
signed and numbered edition of 13 copies & 1 a.p.
see also library of earth colours (2005)
[les livres et les publications 100]

no image

eschenau editions : eschenau 2004
224 p. (33 × 26 cm)
edition 6, numbered
book containing 108 rubbed out ashes; including a handwritten index of the origins of the ashes. The book has been bound in black velours goatleather
[les livres et les publications 101]


les très riches heures de herman de vries
seedamm kulturzentrum – stiftung charles & agnes vögele : pfäffikon 2004
272 p. (15 × 21.5 cm)
edition 300, numbered, signed
[les livres et les publications 102]


the music of sound / the sound of music
published by Seedamm Kulturzentrum Pfäffikon SZ, Stiftung Charles und Agnes Vögele
Centre des livres d'artistes/Pays-Paysage : Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2004
2 CDs
edition 216, numbered
[les livres et les publications 103]


eschenau summer press publications 51
[les livres et les publications 104]

texts and contributions

'[es war in frühsommer 1982]', in les très riches heures de herman de vries (Seedamm Kulturzentrum : Pfäffikon 2004) [3].

'huguet' 'stress - die mäuse' 'die eschen', in catalogue Animaux. Von Tieren und Menschen (Seedamm Kulturzentrum : Pfäffikon 2004) 86-87. 'huguet', also in Bulletin 70 (Seedamm Kulturzentrum : Pfäffikon 2004) 17.

'to be all ways' 'everywhere is here is', in turning towards living. circle poems / edited by alec finlay (morning star editions : [Newcastle-upon-Tyne etc.] 2004) [6] and [8].

'[canabis indica]', in mesostic herbarium / edited by Alec Finlay (Platform Projects : Edinburgh / morning star editions : Newcastle-upon-Tyne [etc.] 2004) [178].



from earth: brown braun brun
edition lydia megert : paris/bern 2005
11 sheets (28.5 × 22 cm) each with one sample of brown earth, rubbed in by hand by the artist, a handwritten coverpage with, on the back, the identification of the origins of earths : canary islands, india, kenya, germany, japan, thailand, mongolia, australia and peru in a handlabeled box
edition 13, signed and numbered
see also library of earth colours (2005)
[les livres et les publications 105]


library of earth colours
edition lydia megert : paris/bern 2005
7 volumes in 1 box
edition 6, signed and numbered
box containing the following seven editions, published between 1993 and 2005:
from white earth / von weisser erde (1993); - green? - (1997); red! rouge! - from red earth   de la terre rouge - (1998); - grey & gray - from earth (2000); from earth: +/- lila (2003); from earth: gelb jaune yellow (2004); from earth: brown braun brun (2005)
see also Lydia Megert Editions, Bern
[les livres et les publications 106]

no image

flur- und feldnamen rundum eschenau von willi schwappacher. ein beitrag zum erhalt ärtlicher überlieferung herausgegeben von herman de vries
eschenau edition : eschenau 2005
1 fol. (80.5 × 94.5 cm)
edition 150
[les livres et les publications addenda 3]

texts and contributions

'one is many', written September 22, 2004. In herman de vries : les livres et les publications (Centre des livres d'artistes : Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2005) and in herman de vries : all this here / [Redaktion Barbara Strieder] (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) [15]. The audio text is also on Zeigen - eine Audiotour von Karin Sander (Galerie Müller-Roth : Stuttgart 2005) [also available as recorded text].

'this, this : a short synthesis', written in 2003 and published in herman de vries : les livres et les publications ; catalogue raisonné (centre des livres d'artistes / pays-paysage : saint-yrieix-la-perche 2005) 10-11. Also in French and German.

'über heilige wälder [von bonifacius bis hollywood]', in Heilige Haine - Heilige Wälder. Ein kulturgeschichtlicher Reiseführer/ hrsg. von Wolfgang Bauer und Clemens Zerling; [Texte Wolfgang Bauer, Sergius Golowin, herman de vries, Clemens Zerling] (Neue Erde Verlag : Saarbrücken 2005) 10-30 (ill.).



all ways. statement I
[with marion reißner]
eschenau editions : eschenau 2006
2 fol. (30 × 20,2 cm)
grey cardboard-cover, with 2 photos in colour (so-called failed shots) and 1 page of transparent paper without text, label with imprint, numbering and signatures inside the cardboard-cover
edition 13 (numbered and signed)
[les livres et les publications addenda 6]



no word – statement II
[with marion reißner; translation by nobuyuki yuasa]
eschenau editions : eschenau 2007
3 fol. (30.3 × 21 cm)
grey cardboard-cover, with inside 1 page of transparent paper with the text "no word", 1 photo in colour and 1 white page with a text of Basho (1644-1694)
edition 17 (numbered and signed)
[les livres et les publications addenda 6]


statements [III]
[with marion reißner]
eschenau editions : eschenau 2007
32 p. (29.7 × 21 cm)
white cardboard-cover, with 32 pages of which 20 with photos in colour and the rest each with a short text (e.g. "here i am" / "die eiche" ... )
edition 216 (numbered 1 to 216 + 9 numbered I-IX)
[les livres et les publications addenda 6]

no image

in memory of the scottish forests
centre des livres d’artistes : saint-yrieix-la-perche 2007
408 p. (29,2 × 20,8 cm)
edition 216
[les livres et les publications addenda 6]


on the beach – morocco, february 2006
limart : tokyo / luïscius books : 's-hertogenbosch 2007
printed and bound by Boekdrukatelier het Y, Amsterdam
66 pages (32 × 21 × 2.7 cm)
title-page and 33 pages each with a photo in colour, back-page with imprint, numbering and signature, japanese binding, in white cardboard box with title on spine
edition 36, numbered and signed



eschenau summer press publication 56


le chêne de trévans – statement
eschenau summer press publication 57


quelques moments du courant de bès. reproductions photographiques (3 sec. de différence)
eschenau summer press publication 58


looking smelling hearing etc.
eschenau summer press publication 59


chance & change
filmed on May 1-2, 2007 along the Weilersbach in Steigerwald by herman de vries, Nico van Breemen, Riekje Wit, and susanna jacob-de vries
2 video DVD viz. 'no beginning no end' (37 min) and 'weilersbach' (47 min)
Galerie Wit : Wageningen 2008
edition 36 copies, numbered 1-36 + 10 copies h.c., numbered a-j; signed by the artist

texts and contributions

'integration' / traduit de l'anglais par Marie Boivent et Laure Peigné, in exhibition catalogue Revues d'artistes. Une selection / ed. Marie Boivent (Galerie des Urbanistes : Fougères / Éditions Provisoires : Paris / Lendroit Galerie : Rennes 2008) 53-55.

'sieh es! hör es! sag es! freu dich!', in pilze hats kosmischerweise wenig : schriftfest zum siebzigsten geburtstag von hartmut geerken / versammelt und hrsg. von detlef thiel, sigrid hauff & anton kuchelmeister (edition swumfsl : Wiesbaden / BoD-Books on Demand : 2008) 52-55.



herman de vries. a random sample of my visual chances in diabet 4-5-1973
eschenau edition : [eschenau] 2009

red portfolio (25 × 18.4 cm) containg 36 prints of colour photographs (15 × 21 cm)
edition 17, numbered
[les livres et les publications addenda 8]


herman de vries. mesa : katalog mit dokumentation und einigen anmerkungen und zusätzlichen informationen = catalogue with documentation, some annotations and additional information 1996-2007
concept and text herman de vries; editing Daniël van de Poel
Stichting Kröller-Müller Museum : Otterlo 2009
152 p. (24 × 17 cm)
edition 500
[les livres et les publications addenda 8]


kant cant
eschenau summer press publications 60


herman de vries. statement
[eschenau] : eschenau editions 2009
DVD with performance at the opening of the exhibition 'all this here', Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg Hau
edition 20, numbered and signed
[les livres et les publications addenda 9]

texts and contributions

'das besondere an françois morellet', in exhibition catalogue François Morellet. Die Quadratur des Quadrats (Museum Ritter/Gerda Ridler : Waldenbuch 2009).

'einige persönliche notizen über kunst & philosophie', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries : all this here / [Redaktion Barbara Strieder] (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) 58-64. Translated in French in Revue d'Esthétique n° 44 'Les artistes contemporains et la philosophie' (2003) 144-151 (ill.).

'la collection de lavandes', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [78].

'les fenêtres de pierre', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [154].

'le jardin sans jardinier', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [146-147].

'le musée des terres', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [44].

'le paradis clos', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [68-69].

'les points', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [120].

'quelle' / mit marion reißner, in Heilige Quellen, heilende Brunnen / hrsg. von Wolfgang Bauer, Sergius Golowin und Clemens Zerling (Neue Erde : Saarbrücken 2009) 142-143 (ill.).

'la roserie sauvage', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [70].

'silence', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [48].

'statements', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [166].

'les traces', in exhibition catalogue herman de vries (Fage Éditions : Lyon / Musée Gassendi : Digne-les-Bains 2009) [80].

bibliographic references

cover herman de vries-publisher
herman de vries
eschenau summer press publications

by Lynne van Rhijn and Ton Geerts
RKD-Netherlands Institute for Art History
Waanders Publishers
The Hague/Zwolle 2024
cover les livres et les publications
herman de vries
les livres et les publications. catalogue raisonné

textes de herman de vries, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Didier Mathieu
centre des livres d'artistes
Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2005

Click here for a supplement for the years 2004-2012