![herman de vries](/img/hdv-ge-120x600.jpg)
the process of being (1998)
the process of being
the process of destruction
(de struction)
the proces of becoming
the being of process
de struction as process
(as part of "the process")
becoming of being
being of becoming
the process as process
the process as being
the being as process
de struction
and re ligion
(re ligion as
be coming being)
(and being as ...)
source: herman de vries, '[the process of being]', first published in exhibition catalogue herman de vries. over de vergankelijkheid van de tekens / Cees de Boer (Kunstvereniging Diepenheim : Diepenheim 1998). Reprinted in herman de vries (Anthèse : Arcueil 2000) 14 (also in French) and in herman de vries : all this here / [Redaktion Barbara Strieder] (Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland : Bedburg Hau 2009) [14]. The French translation is also reprinted in herman de vries. les choses mêmes (Réserve Géologique de Haute-Provence/Musée Départemental Digne : Digne-les-Bains etc. 2001) 38-39. Translated in German in introduction 'Über die heilige Wälder - Von Bonifazius bis Hollywood', in Heilge Wälder (Verlag Neue Erde : Saarbrücken 2004).
image from fragments - collected in the nördlicher steigerwald - eschenau (Peter Foolen Editions : Eindhoven 2011)
The spoken text is recorded by Rainer Pließ for Master Peace Records, Sulzheim - November 2004 and added to herman de vries : les livres et les publications ; catalogue raisonné / textes de herman de vries, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Didier Mathieu (Centre des livres d'artistes : Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2005).