rhododendron lepidostylum coll.: royal botanic garden, edinburgh 1992
35 × 25 cm
alle blätter von einem zweig coll.: winterleite, eschenau
collection Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains
lapis (steigerwald)
25 × 35 cm
coll.: lit de l'aune, faillefeu
25 × 35 cm
trois cotoneaster de faillefeu
3 sheets, each 16 × 47.2 × 3 cm
editions & publications
in memory of the scottish forests
29.7 × 21 × 2.5 cm
edition 216, signed
on the beach - morocco, february 2006
22.5 × 33 × 4.8 cm
edition 36, signed and numbered
being here. statement
20 × 30 cm
edition 9, signed
no word - statement II
30.3 × 20.2 cm
edition 17, signed and numbered
statements [III]
29.7 × 21 × 0.5 cm
edition 216, numbered + 9 signed and numbered I-IX
66 × 53.5 cm
edition 29, signed and numbered
pressed plants & seeds
after the winter
28 parts, each 25 × 35 cm
collection Kröller Müller Museum, Otterlo
part (collected böhlgrund, 11.01.2007)
50 × 70 cm
part (collected bocksberg, 12.1.2007)
50 × 70 cm
part (collected bocksberg, 12.1.2007)
50 × 70 cm
clematis vitalba
25 × 35 cm
after the winter coll.: lindgehrn 9 3 2007
51.5 × 71.6 × 5 cm
after the winter coll.: lindgehrn 9 3 2007
51.5 × 71.5 × 5 cm
collected weilersbach 2.4.2007
40 × 70 cm
collection Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt
rasenstück, coll.: geißleite, eschenau 3.6.2007
152.6 × 52.6 cm
rasenstück, collected euerberg, 7.06.2007 (bromus ramosus)
141 × 102 cm
collected nußberg, 12.06.2007 (juncus inflexus)
50 × 100 cm
rasenstück, collected: beerberg 18-6-2007 (bromus inermis)
73 × 102 cm
collection FRAC Bretagne, Rennes
collected suhl/orinoco 20.08.2007
200 × 63 cm
molinia minimalis
50 × 70 cm
40 parts, each 40 × 40 cm
collection Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar
from the forest floor I-III
3 parts, each 36.1 × 26.2 × 3.5 cm
earth rubbings
from earth
102 × 204 cm
collection Kröller Müller Museum, Otterlo
from earth: hexenbruch, würzburg
50 × 70 cm
from earth: bornholm
50 × 70 cm
from earth: far out
50 × 70 cm
from earth: palästina
73 × 102 cm
from earth: palästina, makhtesh ramon nature reserve
40 + 1 cards, each 14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: ethiopia
50 × 70 cm
from earth: goa
21 × 84 cm
proofs for 'from earth: goa'
5 cards, each 11.6 × 15.6 cm
from earth: dona paulo, goa, gesammelt von tilman may, 2007
14.8 × 10.5 cm
from earth: st. bathans, central otago, new zealand
21 × 17 cm
being here. statement
20 × 30 cm
edition 9, signed
die eiche. statement
30 × 20 cm
herman de vries. no word - statement II
30.3 × 20.2 cm
edition 17, signed and numbered
herman de vries. statements [III]
29.7 × 21 × 0.5 cm
edition 216, numbered + 9 signed and numbered I-IX