2021 | 'herman de vries - vergehen (passing)', Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel |
2022 | 'herman de vries. sein & vergehen', Haus Nivard III, Mariabildhausen/Münnerstadt |

catalogue number: | hdv 2021.111.1 |
date created: | 2021 |
classification: | the real works: installations |
work type: | installation |
medium: | installation with dead wood collected in the Steigerwald |
dimensions: | Ø 540 cm × 205 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | |
edition: |
current repository: | temporary installation |
current repository number: | |
collecting history: | |
related works: | |
comment: | |
photo/scan: | Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel/Maja Wirkus |
rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |
exhibition history
published references
exhibition catalogue | herman de vries. vergehen (Museum für Sepulkralkultur : Kassel 2021) image repr. on page 27, 3. |
article | Ellen Koller, 'levend dood hout', in herman de vries * vergaan (Nederlands Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover : Amsterdam 2022) 26-27. |
article | Guus Sluijter, 'het verhaal van totholz en de merel', in herman de vries * vergaan (Nederlands Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover : Amsterdam 2022) 24-25. |
exhibition catalogue | herman de vries. sein & vergehen (Galerie Thomas Pfarr im Heimatspielhaus : Münnerstadt 2023) image repr. on pages 1176-177, 174-179. |