eine handvoll

catalogue number: hdv 2021.043.
date created: 2021
work type: pressed plants
medium: (a handfull of) hay on board
dimensions: framed 31.1 × 22.5 × 3.1 cm
signature and inscriptions: signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
titled, signed and dated on the reverse [?]
current repository: private collection, Amsterdam
current repository number:
collecting history: acquired through Galerie Bradwolff & Partners, Amsterdam
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Julia Henfling
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2022 'herman de vries. sein & vergehen', Haus Nivard III, Mariabildhausen/Münnerstadt
2023 [with Melanie Bonajo] 'nature's resonance', Bradwolff & Partners, Amsterdam
published references
exhibition catalogue herman de vries. sein & vergehen (Galerie Thomas Pfarr im Heimatspielhaus : Münnerstadt 2023) image repr. on page 89 (left), 84.