my poetry is the world
catalogue number: | hdv 2019.081.2 |
date created: | 2019 |
classification: | editions & publications |
work type: | artist's publication |
medium: | one poster with the text of 'my poetry is the world' and one with the same text in Lao + 2 posters with a text by Anne Moeglin-Delcroix in English and French, in white cover
the special edition has also an earth rubbing (29.7 × 21 cm) by herman de vries and is covered by a handmade paper cover with title in red-brown |
dimensions: | 4 posters, each poster 59 × 42 cm (folded 29.5 × 21 cm) cover 22.5 × 32.5 cm |
signature and inscriptions: | the special edition is numbered on the reverse of the cover (graphite pencil) the earth rubbing is titled '- from earth: pha tad ke - laung-prabang, lao', signed (with initials) and numbered on the front (printed/graphite pencil) |
edition: | published september 2019 by pha tad ke botanical garden, luang prabang & alta volta editions, paris / © the authors and publishers, 2019
edition 600 + special edition of 130, numbered 1/130 - 130/130 |
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related works: | in 2017 an outdoor installation with a series of traces in the Botanical Garden of Lung-Prabang was realized; texts: 'my poetry is the world' (also in Lao) and 'one in all - all in one' |
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rights & reproduction: | herman de vries |
published references
flyer | herman de vries. one in all - all in one', Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Luang Prabang, October october 2018. |
article | Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, 'my poetry is the world. Die Natur an sich', in herman de vries. all all all : werke 1957-2019. Gerhard-Altenbourg-Preis 2019 / Lindenau-Museum Altenburg (Deutscher Kunstverlag : München 2019) 13-19; the original text is published in French, and translated to English and German. |