an katharina 2003-2013

catalogue number: hdv 2014.081.3
date created: 2014
classification: editions & publications
work type: artist's publication, mail art
medium: book with 86 pages containing a photograph and mail art (poems, textworks and drawings on postcards) sent by herman de vries to Katharina Winterhalter (2003-2013)
dimensions: 19 × 19 × 0.7 cm
signature and inscriptions: handwritten number in the colophon (graphite pencil)
edition: lindgehrn-verlag, henkerswiese / © 2013 herman de vries, katharina winterhalter / druck aktivdruck, ebelsbach
edition 216, numbered 1/216 - 216/216
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photo/scan: collection l-cs
rights & reproduction: herman de vries