additional images
  • 2003-00-00-0910
  • 2003-00-00-091c
  • 2003-00-00-091a
  • 2003-00-00-091b

steigerwald holzbibliothek

catalogue number: hdv 2003.091.2
date created: 2003
classification: multiples
work type: sculpture
medium: 24 varieties of wood shaped in the form of books
dimensions: variable dimensions
signature and inscriptions: certificate [?]
edition: [eschenau editions] : eschenau 2003 (manufactured in cooperation with Jörn Hagen)
edition 9, numbered 1/9-9/9
current repository: [1/9] collection FRAC Alsace, Selestat
[4/9] collection herman and susanne de vries
[8/9] collection Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
[*/9] private collection, Paris
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/Julia Henfling
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
2003 'herman de vries', Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart
2003 'herman de vries. textes et faits', Galerie Aline Vidal, Paris
2010 'Künstlerbücher : Helmut Dirnaichner, a.o.', Galerie Mueller-Roth, Stuttgart' [group]
2012 'herman de vries. diversity in unity', Galerie Vayhinger, Radolfzell
2018 'herman de vries. oplage 0', Block C, Groningen
2021 'La Couleur crue', Musée des beaux arts, Rennes [group]
2021 'herman de vries. 90', BorzoGallery, Amsterdam
2024 10e Biennale internationale d'art contemporain, Melle [group]
published references
catalogue raisonné herman de vries. les livres et les publications : catalogue raisonné / textes de herman de vries, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Didier Mathieu (Centre des livres d'artistes : Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche 2005) image repr. on p. 210-211, 209 (catalogue number 99).