additional images
  • 1961-00-00-0690
  • 1961-00-00-069a

[untitled (standing bar)]

catalogue number: hdv 1961.061.11
date created: 1961
classification: sculpture
work type: object
medium: wooden bar, white paint mixed with quartz sand
dimensions: 69.7 × 6 × 6 cm (the bar can be shown in standing or lying position)
signature and inscriptions: uninscribed
current repository: collection Centre Georges Pompidou/MNAM-CCI, Paris
current repository number: AM 2004-442
collecting history: Galerie Aline Vidal, Paris (2004)
related works:
photo/scan: courtesy Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Philippe Migeat/Dist. RMN-GP/archive herman de vries
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
exhibition history
1962 'Nul', Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam [group]
1963 'herman de vries', Galerie Wulfengasse 14, Klagenfurt
1981 'Aus dem Depot der Galerie Hildebrand "Europäische Kunst 1960-1970"', Galerie Hildebrand, Klagenfurt
2013 '5ème rotation - Vitrines et niches (collections modernes)', Centre Georges Pompidou/MNAM/Centre de création industrielle, Paris [group]
2017 'Présentation des collections permanentes (collections modernes)', Centre Georges Pompidou/MNAM/Centre de création industrielle, Paris [group]
2019 'Rotations 2019 - Accrochage Collections Modernes', Centre Pompidou, Paris [group]
2020 'Rotations 2020 - Accrochage Collections Modernes', Centre Pompidou, Paris [group]
published references
monograph Mel Gooding, herman de vries. chance and change (Thames and Hudson : London 2006) image repr. on page 36 (right).