skizzenbuch 1988

catalogue number: hdv 1988.032.1
date created: 1988
classification: journals & sketchbooks
work type: sketchbook
medium: mixed media (artefacts, earth/soil, plants etc.) on paper; loose-leaf and in 3 portfolios
dimensions: 70 sheets, each sheet 29.7 × 21 cm
signature and inscriptions: see 'extended description'
current repository: collection herman and susanne de vries
current repository number:
collecting history:
related works:
photo/scan: studio herman de vries/l-cs
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
extended description

sheet 1: titled 'holzhändlers spuren', signed (with initial) and dated 'jan. 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 2: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 3: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'königsberg 11 3 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 4: signed (with initial) and dated 'e. 3 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 5: signed (with initial) and dated '3 8' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 6: signed (with initial) and dated 'ostern 88 e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 7: titled 'an evening with b, s & e', signed (with initial) and dated '3 88 e. on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 8: titled 'ein abend mit s un b', signed (with initial) and dated '3 88 e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 9: titled/dated 'mit r und b am 23 3 88' and signed (with initial) 'e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 10: titled 'am 24 3 88 mit l.' and signed (with initial) 'e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 11: titled '+ s.', signed (with initial) and dated 'e. 28 3 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 12: titled '+ l, s, e.', signed (with initial) and dated 'e. 29 3 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 13: titled '[...] + s', signed (with initial) and dated '29 3 88 e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 14: titled 'mir s.' signed (with initial) and dated '26 3 88, e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 15: titled 'abends mit l.', signed (with initial) and dated 'e. 14 4 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 16a-e : 'titled '- warmen frühlingstag im unfallkrankenhausgarten', signed (with initial) and dated 'märz 1988 v.' and annotated '5×' and 'susanne' on the front of the first sheet (graphite pencil)

sheet 17: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e. 21 4 88 [...]' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 18: titled 'the work was [...] - but the rest is perfect', signed and dated/location '24 4 88 e.' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 19a: numbered 'I' on the front on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 19b: titled 'ich hatte dich doch ein rosengarten versprochen!', signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e. april 88' and numbered 'II' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 20: titled '+ e, s, h, h', signed and dated/location 'e. 7 5 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 21: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e. 14 5 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 22: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'eschenau 1 6 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 23: titled '([...]kollage)', signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e 11 7 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 24: titled 'aus einem birnbaum', signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 25: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 26: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'eschenau 28 8 88' on the on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 27: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
location of the sample 'kirchlauter' on the reverse (graphite pencil)

sheet 28: signed 'herman de vries x susanne' and dated '9 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 29: titled 'aus "die wiese"', signed (with initial) and dated '18 9 88 [oum]' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 30: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 31a: titled 'coll. midland park n.j.', signed (with initial) and dated '8 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 31b: titled 'coll. midland park n.j.', signed (with initial) and dated '8 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 32: titled 'hier [?]', signed (with initial) and dated '13 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 33a: titled 'aus dem hainerter wäldchen', signed (with initial), dated '13 10 88' and numbered '1' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 33b: titled 'aus dem hainerter wäldchen', signed (with initial), dated '13 10 88' and numbered '2' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 34: titled 'am tisch', signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e. 18 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 35: titled 's. [= panaeolus semiovatus?]', signed (with initial) and dated 'oct. 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 36: titled 's. [= panaeolus semiovatus?]', signed (with initial) and dated 'oct. 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 37: titled 'from new jersey earth', signed (with initial) and dated 'oct. 88' on the front (graphite pencil) [a small rubbing on the reverse]

sheet 38: titled 'von heike's päckchen', signed (with initial) and dated '27 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 39: titled 'paneolus c. oder s. [panaeolus cyanescens/semiovatus]', signed (with initial) and dated/location '+/- 27 10 88 eschenau' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 40: titled 'paneolus sp.', signed (with initial) and dated/location '+/- 28 10 88 eschenau' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 41: signed (with initial) and dated '30 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 42 : titled 'vor dem ofen', signed (with initial) and dated (twice) '30 10 88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 43: signed (with initial) and dated/location 'eschenau 8 11 88' and 'once i read the 'lauf des wassers' von allen watts in francisco's garden in shapora, years ago. now a leaf from this garden fell out of the books' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 44: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)
annotation '[eichensorte aus dem postleitzahlen verzeichnis nach gespräch mit l.]' on the reverse (graphite pencil)

sheet 45: titled 'aarde die marc meebracht: boven uit cadeques, onder uit dalsland, zweden', signed (with initial) and dated/location 'e. 18 11 '88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 46: titled 'coll. von lisa', signed (with initial) and dated (twice) 'nov. '88' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 47: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 48: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 49: titled 'lisa's delight', signed and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 50: signed (with initial) and dated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 51: titled'cimmamomum spec.', signed (with initial) and dated and number '1271' on the front (graphite pencil)
annotated 'nat. rel. coll. nr. 1271 cinnamomum (*iners) (? tamale)' on the reverse (graphite pencil)

sheet 52: signed (with initial) and dated and number '1030' on the front (graphite pencil)
titled '1030 oroxylum indicum' on the reverse (graphite pencil)

sheet 53: numbered '2013' and '528' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 54: numbered '616' and '622' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 55: numbered '2044' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 56: numbered '457' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 57: numbered '498' and annotated on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 58: numbered '1966' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 59: numbered '615' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 60: numbered '536' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 61: numbered '524' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 62: numbered '1373' and '1973' on the front (graphite pencil)

sheet 63: titled 'pluchea lanceolata', signed (with initial) and dated and number 'nr. 1173' on the front (graphite pencil)