
[random sample 'for free associative purposes']

catalogue number: 1967.082.10a
executed: 1967
classification: works on paper
work type: typewriter graphic
object/work type: randomly selected words from Richard L. Gregory, Visuele waarneming. De psychologie van het zien - Dutch; printing ink on paper (mimeographed)
dimensions: 29.7 × 21 cm
signature and inscriptions: uninscribed
edition: original contribution to AH - Tijdschrift voor verbaal plasticisme n° 3/4 (April 1967) 8, 5-8
edition of 100 (not numbered)
current repository:
current repository number:
collecting history:
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photo/scan: courtesy Centre des livres d'artistes, Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche
rights & reproduction: herman de vries
published references
text herman de vries, 'permutabel tekstmateriaal', in AH - Tijdschrift voor verbaal plasticisme. Review for verbal-plasticism n° 3/4 (Utrecht 1967) image repr. on page 8, 5-8.